Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Enough already!

"Sometimes shit just don't work out".
I wish I could quote some honored scholar or author with originating that saying, but I don't believe anyone would want credit for something so downbeat. People always want to be remembered for coining phrases of inspiration and eternal hope. Not a statement that is equal parts negativity, pessimism and awful grammar. But that don't make it not true. Sometimes shit just don't work out.
In honor of the realization that we (J-Cleezy and myself) probably won't be California residents for another full year- probably- I would like to give credit to the things in this town (Los Angeles) that I honestly enjoy. I won't bring up the laundry list of things that are loathesome about southern Cali right now. I'm saving that for right before I skip town.

So, here's my top 5 things about LA I will miss:

1.) The Weather:
It's fitting that the thing I like most about LA is the one that has absolutely nothing to do with the people living here. In the winter months, it is a wonderful perk. In the summer, it is like a Cambodian hot box. But I've been sick ONCE here in 3 years! Dry climates are totally underrated.

2.) Mexican Food/Taco Stands:
There are 5 places within walking distance of my place that are better than the best place back in Michigan. And if you hit up a nice taco stand, you can eat well for under six bucks. Chupas mi huevos!

3.) The Vista:
The Vista Theatre at the corner of Sunset and Hollywood is a single-screen old school gem that is rare in this country. Big, beautiful and cheap (5 bucks for shows before 5pm) with every other row yanked a few years ago for mucho leg room! And it's got an Egyptian theme... and I don't care why.

4.) Avocados:
They put 'em on everything and for good reason. A delicious item that you can get year round. I'll never have a BLT without one again.

5.) The Silverlake Walking Guy:
This guy likes to walk... a lot! From 8 am to 11pm at night he just fucking walks around Silverlake reading a newspaper as he bounces along at a brisk pace. 109 degrees: he's walking. Pitch black out: walkin, and reading the newspaper with a little flashlight. He is amazing. Legend has it that he is a retired surgeon who has a very successful practice but just loves to walk. I hope that's true because although he's in great shape, the constant exposure to sun has turned his skin into a fine-grained leather that would make a catcher's mitt jealous.

1 comment:

gridz said...

Uhmm...where did you find the pic of the walking guy? And YES you will be residents for more than a year. What the fuck would I do without you and Jessie? I can't "dip it in ranch" alone! :(